Sunday, May 5, 2019


Pada saat memasuki kampus dua siswa melakukan percakapan yang membahas beberapa hal 

Dodi: Morning Mirna

Mirna: Hi Dodi? You are taking Ecology Three Eleven, too?

Dodi: Looks like it. It's my only elective this term.

(Mirna menanyakan jurusan yang diambil Dodi)

Mirna : really? What happened?

Dodi: I just took too many my second year, and now I've got to pick up all the required courses I've been ignoring. University's just too much fun, I guess.

(Dodi telah banyak ketinggalan pelajaran karena mengabaikan}

Mirna: Too many parties?

Dodi: Well, yeah, that too. But you know there are just so many interesting things to learn about, and we've only got four years here to explore them. I've having too good a time at it, that's all. But it has helped me decide my mayor, finally.

Mirna: And?

Dodi:  I've learned a lot here, and one thing I've learnt is that most fields don't hold out a lot of promise for gainful employment. So I'm playing it safe and going for my BA in business administration.

Mirna: So, Why Three Eleven? An ecology course isn't going to help you in your office job at some corporation.

Dodi: Probably not, but It still seems interesting and important. We all need to know about the environment, no matter what we do for a living.

Mirna: You're right. And maybe you will be able to use it. Maybe you'll end up working for a green company or something.

Dodi: Could be. There's more and more of those every day.

Mirna: And thank goodness. Poor old earth.

Karena kepedulian Dodi akan lingkungan hidup, dia mengambil mata kuliah ekologi, dengan mengesampingkan sulitnya mendapatkan pekerjaan setelah lulus kuliah.

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